Grimewood is a small town where all of my stories take place. The town is home to 55,310 characters. All of whom I intend to tell a story for. The land is home to the Avonajo, a Native American tribe that is the descendants of my real-life tribe, the Guachichil. 

A mysterious curse plagues the inhabitants of the city. Though not every story is a product of it, hints are littered throughout every story for you to determine who is responsible for the curse and, better yet, how the curse can be solved.

The Districts

Grimewood is broken into three districts.  Each district has its own history and houses different types of characters.

People from the Cove prioritize family and a relaxed way of life above all else. They believe their family environment is everything and place great importance on their bonds with their loved ones. The pace of life in Beldam Cove is easygoing, and they prefer not to rush through things. For them, spending time by the water and allowing life to unfold naturally is the essence of existence.

People from West Grime place a high value on their culture. They prioritize acceptance and refuse to tolerate mistreatment or discrimination based on their differences. Respect is paramount in their eyes, and as long as you treat them respectfully, they will have no issues with you. However, if you disrespect them, be prepared to fight.

People from East Grime strongly dislike laziness and believe constant movement and progress are essential for a fulfilling life. They have a mindset that what they currently have isn’t as good as what they could achieve. It's not about greed for them; rather, they deeply understand their worth and the value of hard work. The harder they work, the harder they can play.

The Avonajo